RMS Teams Up with MAPA for Training Event

Road Machinery & Supplies Co. (RMS) and RMS Rentals took part in the inaugural Minnesota Asphalt Pavement Association (MAPA) Quality Paving Training program in April at the Medina Entertainment Center in Medina, Minn.

The three-day event was designed as a creative and interactive training program that blended classroom training and machine demonstration to help train new and younger paving employees. Nearly 100 people attended the event.

As one of five Minneapolis-area equipment distributors that participated in the event, RMS and RMS Rentals showcased a nine-machine display that featured equipment from LeeBoy, BOMAG, Roadtec, Wacker Neuson, Broce, and Komatsu in addition to an indoor informational booth.

“Events like this are great opportunities for us and our manufacturers to help with the greater good of the industry. The focus of the event was education, not sales. We were very happy to be a part of this program and have the opportunity to work with customers,” said RMS Marketing Manager Josh Sandin.

Representatives from RMS, RMS Rentals, LeeBoy, BOMAG, Wacker Neuson, and Broce Broom were on-hand to meet with customers during the event. LeeBoy Territory Manager – Southern Region Brian Hall led a session on commercial paving that featured a LeeBoy 8520 asphalt paver demo. Attendees also had the opportunity to test-drive the paver.

BOMAG Project Manager, Heavy Compaction Bert Erdmann spoke about BOMAG’s new BOMAP Connect software to conclude the event. It was the first time the BOMAP Connect system was presented to a North American audience.

Attendees at MAPA’s Quality Paving Training event watch a live demonstration of a
LeeBoy 8520 asphalt paver at the Medina Entertainment Center in April.

Watch a Video Recap of the Event


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